Hello, I`mAnna
born in Poland 1992, living in Iceland since 2016, theorist of culture, culture manager, author of critical texts, interviews, and podcasts. Exploring all of the essential jobs dedicated to the migrant workforce, in 2018 started organizing workers in radical unions. In years 2018-2020 was holding positions in the boards of main institutions of the ‘labour movement’ in Iceland (Alþýðusamband Íslands, Efling stéttarfélag), for three semesters worked as a teacher in the after-school program, currently working in the care sector. Living in-between languages, using knowledge of Polish to try to understand and explore other Slavic languages, works in English (also as a translator), and Icelandic. For Anna, feminist self-defense is a set of skills that we can pass to the people we care for, so they can protect themselves in everyday life, in their homes, at school, at work, giving them the opportunity to grow, socialize, speak up, empower, be independent, be themselves, fight for their rights. In a world where no institutions and systems are willing to protect us, we have to organize and act in solidarity against violence.
Kiedy państwo mnie nie chroni, moje siostry będę bronić.
Email: anna@slagtog.org