Hello, I`mElínborg
also goes by Elí. They are born in 1993 in Iceland and have spent most of their life there, although they have also lived in France, California and Germany. Elí has a degree in philosophy and now pursues a masters in leisure and social studies. They currently work part time in the care and educator sector, working in shelters for people struggling with homelessness and in a center for socially isolated teenagers.
Elí became interested in feminist self defense after having read the book “No means no” by Irene Zeilinger. Getting to know feminist self defense through reading and later through between their real life practices and their theoretical framework on self-determination, autonomy and feminism. Elí’s main interests in feminist self-defense are teaching children, teenagers and youth as well as queering feminist self-defense and developing ways to bring feminist self defense to the diverese queer communities.
Email: eli@slagtog.org